ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACIST CULTURE!                                                    FIND AND AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF

ALL (IN)ORGANIC COMRADES UNITE!                                                                                            GAME THE SYSTEM!

ABRACADABRA-C  (Alytus Biennial Reversion into Abolition of Culture And Distribution of its Aberrant Bacillus Right Abroad – Committee)

ÐعM提п (former DAMTP - the DaðA Miners and Travailleuse Psychique) - workers union to disrupt the creation of cultural capital through regional and a national language

DesaKalaPatra (SpaceTimeClass) is the proletarian consciousness – the meaning based on senses resulted by praxis, labour. The quantity of proletarian meaning is self-sufficient – there is no need for more meaning than is actually needed. Meaning appears with destroyed resources and commodities. Surplus meaning results in extermination. Workers who produce meaning are destructive workers.

Abstracted or concept based consciousness is a mechanism that absolutise the meaning as a value and so legitimize extermination that leads to genocide, ecocide and/or biocide. Christianization, colonialism, westernization are based on conceptualization of everyday life. Spectacle is visuality or action based on conceptualization. The spectacle in general, as the concrete inversion of life, is the autonomous movement of the non-living (Guy Debord). Conceptualized resistance resolve into spectacle. Bourgeois meaning is always a surplus meaning – it‘s senseless.

Senses/ concept difference is like living/ non-living.

So rather than understanding the above, the following is a guide to meditation – Obshchina and Situnionisation of the Species Being and General Intellect (Obschina/ Wahdat)

DesaKalaPatra - the three trimensions - are experienced through all of the following sensations and therefore all these dimensions are multiplied by 9:

Ophthalmoception (Eyes) Sight or visual perception
Sight:             This technically is two senses given the two distinct types of receptors present,  one for color (cones) and one for brightness (rods).

Audioception (Ears) Hearing or auditory sensations
Sound:           Detecting vibrations along some medium, such as air or water that is in contact  with your ear drums.

Gustaoception (Tongue) Sense of taste
Taste:             This is sometimes argued to be five senses by itself due to the differing types of  taste receptors:






But generally is just referred to as one sense.  For those who don’t know, umami receptors detect the amino acid glutamate, which is a taste generally found in meat and some artificial flavoring.  The taste sense, unlike sight, is a sense based off of a chemical reaction

Olfacoception or Olfacception (Nose) Sense of smell
Smell:             Yet another of the sensors that work off of a chemical reaction.  This sense combines with taste to produce flavors.

Tactioception (Skin)

Thermoception (Skin) Lack or increase of heat (temperature)

Proprioception (Body Parts) Awareness of body parts without visual input
Nociception (Whole Body) Sensation of pain in the body (skin, body organs, etc.)
Equilibrioception (Whole Body) Sense of balance (determined by ear fluid)

Touch:           This has been found to be distinct from pressure, temperature, pain, and even itch sensors.

Itch:               Surprisingly, this is a distinct sensor system from other touch-related senses.

Kinesthetic Sense (Whole Body) Sense of acceleration

Tactility (Mostly the Skin) Perception of pressure

Chemoreception (Blood and Brain) Sensation of hunger, thirst, vomiting and suffocation

Stretch Reception (Muscles, Joint and Skin) Sense of gag reflex, gas distension, excretion, etc.

Cutaneous Reception (Skin) Sense of skin vasodilation (like flushed skin)

Synaesthesia (Body Parts) Combination of senses (like smiling at someone's voice)

Thermoception:                    Ability to sense heat and cold. 

This also is thought of as more than one sense.  This is not just because of the two hot/cold receptors, but also because there is a completely different type of thermoceptor, in terms of the mechanism for detection, in the brain.  These thermoceptors in the brain are used for monitoring internal body temperature.

Proprioception:                    This sense gives you the ability to tell where your body parts are,  relative to other body parts. 

This sense is one of the things police officers test when they pull over someone who they think is driving drunk.  The “close your eyes and touch your nose” test is testing this sense.  This sense is used all the time in little ways, such as when you scratch an itch on your foot, but never once look at your foot to see where your hand is relative to your foot.

Tension Sensors:                  These are found in such places as your muscles and allow the brain the ability to monitor muscle tension.

Nociception:                        In a word, pain.  This was once thought to simply be the result of  overloading other senses, such as “touch”, but this has been found  not to be the case and instead, it is its own unique sensory system.  There are three distinct types of pain receptors: cutaneous (skin), somatic (bones and joints), and visceral (body organs).

Equilibrioception:                 The sense that allows you to keep your balance and sense body movement in terms of acceleration and directional changes.  This   sense also allows for perceiving gravity.  The sensory system for  this is found in your inner ears and is called the vestibular labyrinthine system.  Anyone who’s ever had this sense go out on them on occasion knows how important this is.  When it’s not  working or malfunctioning, you literally can’t tell up from down and moving from one location to another without aid is nearly  impossible.

Stretch Receptors:               These are found in such places as the lungs, bladder, stomach, and  the gastrointestinal tract.  A type of stretch receptor, that senses  dilation of blood vessels, is also often involved in headaches.

Chemoreceptors:                 These trigger an area of the medulla in the brain that is involved in  detecting blood born hormones and drugs.  It also is involved in  the vomiting reflex.

Thirst:                                  This system more or less allows your body to monitor its hydration level and so your body knows when it should tell you to drink.

Hunger:                               This system allows your body to detect when you need to eat something.

Sixth Sense (Small Brain) Sense of intuition (gut feeling)

Premonition (Paranormal) Subconscious sense of future events (usually danger)

Telepathy (Paranormal) Auditory perception of a person's (near or far) thoughts

Precognition (Paranormal) Visual perception of future events

Clairvoyance (Paranormal) Visual perception of invisible objects or events

Clairaudience (Paranormal) Auditory perception of the invisible

Magnetoception:                  This is the ability to detect magnetic fields, which is principally useful in providing a sense of direction when detecting the Earth’s magnetic field. 

Unlike most birds, humans do not have a strong magentoception, however, experiments have demonstrated that we do tend to have some sense of magnetic fields.  The mechanism for this is not completely understood; it is theorized that this has something to do with deposits of ferric iron in our noses.  This would make sense if that is correct as humans who are given magnetic implants have been shown to have a much stronger magnetoception than humans without.

Time:                                   This one is debated as no singular mechanism has been found that allows people to perceive time. 

However, experimental data has conclusively shown humans have a startling accurate sense of time, particularly when younger. The mechanism we use for this seems to be a distributed system involving the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia.  Long term time keeping seems to be monitored by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (responsible for the circadian rhythm).  Short term time keeping is handled by other cell systems.

More:                                  Further to these we will see microbiology revealing various sexual senses relating to how the genitals and anus act as sensing organs  as well as ones of (re)production. We should proceed with charting  these through our experiments

When experienced through all three trimensions of DesaKalaPatra the proletarian consciousness (e)merges (through) the following forms of Patra (class consciousness):

intrapersonal (physiological, psychological),

interpersonal (sexual, social relations)

transpersonal (nature, environment, situation)

up with the Trimensions of Space and Time (DesaKala) and so into a living force - Wahdat (oneness). This is what we call materialist spirituality or Revolutionary Animism.

As long we will continue on specialized and therefore conceptualized approach (ie limited to (one) language) towards solving of spatial, temporal, class (spiritual, environmental, social, sexual, physiological and psychological) problems; the forms of alienation will endure.