ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACIST CULTURE!                                                    FIND AND AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF

ALL (IN)ORGANIC COMRADES UNITE!                                                                                            GAME THE SYSTEM!

ABRACADABRA-C  (Alytus Biennial Reversion into Abolition of Culture And Distribution of its Aberrant Bacillus Right Abroad – Committee)

ÐعM提п (former DAMTP - the DaðA Miners and Travailleuse Psychique) - workers union to disrupt the creation of cultural capital through regional and a national language

The selection of ABRACADABRA (who’s origin in "avada kedavra” is an invocation to ‘let it (the thing) be destroyed) and that of FIASCo - (the origins of which are ‘fare il fiasco’ - the looser buys the next bottle - or "it will all end in failure”) - seemed to hint that the great festival of triolectics which the Kathalytus ’played out’ might be nudging its final chapter

The LIST is dead - long live the LIST

'A reprendre depuis le début’
To me 3Sf is still little too much about ball, goal posts and different conditions/limitations. And – damned – newly the context criteria appeared.

I was excited to have chance to see friends after a long time, not so excited that it was gonna happen in Kassel though – simply because I don’t like affiliating to other events and also because it was quite faraway.

Not so insistent suggestion to make it in some more attractive (and closer to Libušín) place for example in Siófok didn’t create sufficient resonance so – eventually – we happily boarded the Alytus bus in Dresden together with my daughter Evička who by the way became the most anti stereotyped player of the whole cup – as far as I know she touched the ball just twice by accident and never on purpose despite the fact she played at least in 25 matches or maybe even more.

Reading the reports I realised I am lost in abbreviations partly because of my progressing dementia partly because I never really remembered what most of them meant and now in the moment of splitting into factions it’s extremely difficult to reconstruct the meaning plus find the reason why the used one is belonging to particular position.

Anyway... I have always felt kind of disproportion in so much overestimating the power of definitions in our discussions and texts – in a way supporting and even developing the criticized europocentric talkative and word oriented tradition.

The meaning superior to the feeling.

The question about attending the 2nd World Cup of 3SF in Kassel was discussed for about 10 months and resulted in split of DAMTP into faction of political analysts and critics who need a clear program of action which supposedly would protect from recuperation into capitalist spectacle, and the gamers, who formed LUNATIC FRINGE FOR TRIOLECTICS (LUFT-DAMTP) specially to attended Kassel and to save the game from further footballization.

[ideological ingression///egression] - The first (political) faction had their arguments:

DAMTP should act in the way workers‘ organizations do (CLASS)

3SF and DAMTP will be recuperated by documenta spectacle and the only way to act against it is to fight it outside the Kassel – in Athens, Alytus or whatsoever other place (DAMTP German factions: OKK, Polaris)

Asemic writing activities should take leadership against 3SF (Asemic International and CLASS wrote the manifesto, publicized it and asked those who agree to sign it. Nobody else from DAMTP signed it so far, but ABRACADABRA triolectisized it with some comments attributed)

Ceci n'est pas le 3SF (Richard Essex)


[labor ingression///degression] - LUFT-DAMTP (FIASCO, NXTPA, ABRACADABRA) had their arguments:

The system should be gamed, Kathalytus must be build

To reclaim triolectics for 3SF not to be binarized

Self-organization without doctrine

To play with a black hole instead of a ball


[disingression] - CLASS attended Kassel with clear program to destroy documenta and the world cup.

Bogdanov have warned about dangers of war communism in a very dawn of Bolshevik revolution.

The domination of destructive workers makes a bigger revolutionary effect (spectacle), but infects the society to organize in a way based on destruction.

[disingression] - None of the DAMTP‘s from Germany were present in Kassel and so their input for comrades was formalized in 3 texts from 3 years ago and it was more about warning then guiding.


[conjugation] - ABRACADABRA initiated the discussion about necessity to have a space for meeting and organizing as well for meeting local unorganized workers – as DAMTP has on its constitution. The room was arranged in the local Art Academy students‘ place near Central railway station. There was arranged desakalapatragraph: DXTPA, ABRACADABRA, FIASCO and local psychic workers, who attended the meeting collectively investigated the site, put together their knowledge and set up the plan for local actions. 2 local workers joined DAMTP‘s in the further gaming. This meeting was announced in documenta papers and it infuriated some DAMTP‘s because of alleged recuperation, but social engineering as tactics was always present in Alytus Psychic (Art) Strike Biennial events since its mentioning as tactics in the first resolution Action Committee of Alytus Art Strike Conference in 2008. One of the great discoveries of ABRACADABRA was that anybody can get a free ticket for documenta just by saying abracadabra at the documenta information center, but other DAMTP‘s didn‘t tried even...either because of some phobias to become abracadabra, or for being recognized. Though LUFT-DAMTP‘s invented another great tactics to get free access for paid exhibition venues – simply to kick a ball into the space, and then to go for grabbing it from there – it worked too.

[disingression] - CLASS was insisting on meeting and/or contacting organized workers and activists – IWW‘s, Nobody is Illegal etc. and wrote an open letter-manifesto for their meeting in the same space. Nobody (including the initiator) showed up.

[disingression///separate complexes] - The pre-event on-line discussion showed clearly that DAMTP came into a phase of taking the roles – of workers, activists, artists etc – that what Marx warned about – and also about the false roles as it happens in Paris Commune.

Already since a little bit earlier we were not being able to write a collective text without tolerance to each other’s words. Instead of following the line of metagraphy we eventually returned backwards to the texts.

During the last year as DAMTP‘s we‘ve divided ourselves into specializations of artists and politicians – we stept on the same raker as all previous counter-cultural organizations starting from dada and ending with fluxus and situationists did. Shame on us!

[disingression] - We are afraid of being recuperated by the capitalist system and spectacle? But the fear of recuperation is exactly what recuperation is all about. The problem lays in overrated self-significance and lack of self-criticism. Indeed, we are afraid of being caricatures.

[ingression] - I am happy we were able to be caricatures of ourselves when in Kassel. ABRACADABRA was a caricature of an art organization, CLASS – of militant organization, FIASCO and NXTPA – of the physicality or something else. Besides that - Alytus biennial always was a caricature of biennial and The End of the Age of Divinity – caricature of doctrine (at least that is how I saw it). Even those who didn‘t attend Kassel – I am leaving for them to recognize caricatures in themselves.

[disingression] - We are still not able to withstand obsession with symbolism in our actions, hypergraphy and texts. I want to improve previous report by CLASS and to assure that the destruction of the trophy was not an accidental move by occasionally present worker, but ideologically prepared (declared in advance) gesture to (symbolically) destroy world cup. But the world cup was not destroyed – destroyed was just a letter, produced by our fellow worker. The only question what later LUFT-DAMTP‘s got few times was: „does anybody got the photo of the smashed cup?“. The process of reading a letter – suppresses and realizes it, but destroying turns it into a symbol.

Reproductive Unionisation of Destructive Industries (RUDI) invite you to join us in strike against neoliberal cultural capital production!

There is no possibility of either political or artistic revolution – rather we need to organise as psychic reproductive and destructive workers. Rudi Dutschke’s calls to destroy NATO have been realised and recuperated by the German state with their EU army in policing the borders of the EU and the Situationists unitary urbanism recuperated by the IDF in their ethnic cleansing programs. We return to Dutschke’s calls for solidarity with third world Marxists by raising the banned banners of the PKK and YPG in our hypergraphics and DesaKalaPatraGraphics to form monstrations and attack documents and 3sf events in realising Frank Fanons call for decolonisation as ” the creation of a new culture, a new language and a new humanity”

The session will consist of

1 short presentation on the alytus art strike and the methods of situgraphy aka esaKalaPatraGraphy and monstration


2 a practical making exercise and then

3 planning session for interventions into the football and documenta events of the following days

We will begin at around 10am and break for lunch before the plenary planning session

All plenary sessions will commence with OPSINA where the voices of women comrades and of black comrades are exclusively privileged in order to set the agenda for the meeting.

Please feel free to pass on this invite to other comrades

1st session will commence at 10am Friday 18th August, Kunsthochechule Kassel
Art strike as a recuperated vehicle for celebrity artists (eg J20 art strike 2017) can only be overcome by organising as an industrial union - not as artists but by questioning the construction of art itself - as psychic workers. This allows us to also organise around, attack and overturn related bourgeois constructions such as politics, philosophy, education, sports and any other industrial complex that currently maintains the spectacle.

We invite you to join us, tÐعŲM委п ال DAta Miners & Travailleurs Psychique/ DعðŲ Miners психический 工人委 ال - established at the end of the age of divinity in 2007 with the dead workers union, the reproductive and destructive workers unions, for a general Obschina.

Therefore Alytus Biennial Reversion into Abolition of Culture And Distribution of its Aberrant Bacillus Right Abroad – Committee (ABRACADABRA-C) invites all working and not working in Kassel or elsewere as artists, activists or from other industries to unionize in gaming the system with 3 sided football and triolectics as opposed to binary thinking, and with situlogy and situgraphy, which were invented by Asger Jorn just in the same time when he was abstractified into a spectacle by the documenta II in 1959.

We start at 6pm Thursday 17th August, 10PC (2017 vulg.), Kunsthochechule space KMMN, Franz-Ulrich-Straße 16, Kassel.
The spectacles of Europe have been exorcized by Communism. The Proletariat, defeated by the European Bourgeoisise in the 1st and 2nd world wars has finally secured victory in 2007 and succeeded in proletarianising all of the world.


There is a spectacle of terror produced by Europe. and all the bourgeois powers unite in an unholy alliance to produce it. Where is the opposition that has not been branded terrorist and where the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of spectacular terrorism?

And as no one declares themselves terrorist it is up to us to make our aims known as terrorists in the face of the whole world. We are the proletarians of the psychic factories of data called the spectacle. And we overturn this spectacle.

We invite all working or not working in Kassel and elsewhere, as artists or activists or any other service industry or other industry, to organise with us as Psychic Workers, Reproductice Workers, Destructive Workers, Asemic Workers.

We do not reject “safe” life presented in Kassel and we have no intention of establishing the borders of the only possible LIFE. we welcome freedom. But the freedom of your ‘life’ has spread too far and has steamrolled over all other ways of production. Capitalism has perverted life, narrowed its potential down to consumption and hedonism, deprived it of the moment of creation as the part of development.

Today European patriarchal white supremacy, in other words capitalism, declares terrorist to mean Muslim and Muslim to mean Black. Black as in black race, black energy, black mass, black matter. We terrorists are not animals or humans or gods or machines. We are something new. We do not constrain ourselves in gender, race or linguistic distinctions – but we are aware of how the agents of the state and CLASS society instrumentalise these sub classes against us.

We wonder: what should the life be like today? How can it unite us? What new practices are we able to invent? By liberating life from the chokehold of institution, of capital, by returning it to the means of living and dying: labour.

We terrorists, believe that life is fluid, permanently mutable, while every fixed form tends to turn into custom, tradition, and finally to a game as in case with three-sided football. From the practice of overriding the stigma, from the practice of breaking binary oppositions it turned into the ritual sanctified by community, similar to Friday-bear-drinking in a narrow circle of friends. No form can exist more than several years with no risk of stiffening. This is hard to avoid as the human mind has a constant striving for the invention of new rules, for living in accordance with norms and patterns, with idleness permanently rejecting renovation and development. Life should not imitate political institutions that show themselves in decrees and orders, institutions that still employ the vicious structures of the Party. With life being anarchic in its core, we declare:

From 18th To 20th of August 2017 the sports club Dynamo Windrad will host the second World Cup in Threesided Football at the Hessenkampfbahn in Kassel. In May 2014 we (Dynamo) participated in the first World Cup in Silkeborg/Denmark. When the question arose where the next World Cup in three years could be held we quickly volunteered to host it, since it is connected to the art exhibition documenta that takes place in Kassel every five years.


The Danish artist Asger Jorn who was cofounder of the Situationist International and participated in Dokumenta II and III in Kassel invented threesided football in the early 60ies as an allegory for his theory of the trialectic. In a nutshell his theory can be understood as a further development of Marx dialectic. With his theory of the trialectic Jorn developed a theoretical approach that wanted to transcend and overcome dichotomous perceptions of the world and of simple polarities between friend and foe.

However it was only in 1994 that the threesided football was actually tried out in practice for the first time (in Glasgow). Since then individual games and whole tournaments took place around the globe. In London there is even a small league for threesided football.

The first threesided game Dynamo ever participated in was in 2013 at the Biennale in Istanbul. It was part of the supporting programme and apart from Dynamo teams from Istanbul and London participated. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Asger Jorn, the Museum Asger Jorn in his birthtown Silkeborg hosted the first World Cup in 2014 along with a symposium on Jorn’s work, his theory of the trialectic and of course threesided football.          

What is threesided football?

It is an extension of regular football. It is played with three teams, three goals and one ball on a differently shaped play ground. Crucial elements of the game are cooperation and bluffing that broaden the possibilities of what football can and could be. The dualism of two opposing teams is being transcended due to the fact that during the game it is constantly changing who is friend and who is foe. In every move the players anew have to decide with whom they want to cooperate and against which team they are aiming to score. In the end not the team with the most scored goals wins but the one that has conceded the least.

The tricky part about the cooperation with players from an opposing team is that it can be ended or reversed at any time. An experience not only new and foreign to football players. For more details, rules and reports please visit the following link:

Or ask us for further information and reports.

Our sports club and why we do stuff like that

Dynamo Windrad has over a thousand members and is one of the biggest sports clubs in Kassel. From the beginning in 1982 our mission has always been to be a club that is culturally active and involved in civil society issues beyond the scope of sports. We have always been open for arts and culture and have integrated these areas in our projects and sports events. We have initiated exhibitions on comic art (from which later on the galeria Caricatura in Kassel and the museum Caricatura in Frankfurt developed) and in 2014 on the history of worker’s sports in Germany and Kassel up to 1933. During the documenta X a football game between a documenta team (with some prominents) and Dynamo was organized and the curator of documenta X, Catherine David, performed the kick-off (her interest in football however did not persist).

Beyond our regular sports activities we currently offer some projects for refugees and we do some social work in one of the poorer neighbourhoods of Kassel.

In the summer of 2014 we integrated threesided football into our traditional tournament, the „BolzWM“ (a 10 day event for football and culture that we orgnaize every 4 years parallel to the FIFA world cup with over a thousand participants). We played parts of the tournament as threesided football because we are convinced that the threesided idea correlates perfectly with our understanding of football culture:

A critique of competitive performance, an alternative to the constrictions of traditional and conservative roof organisations, the attempt to bring football and politics together, in a nutshell: the strive for sociopolitical change.

Concrete Planning

Dynamo Windrad will host the threesided World Cup 2017 from 18th to 20th of August at the Hessenkampfbahn in Kassel. In planning is a public talk on threesided football and Asger Jorn and his concept of the trialectic on Friday afternoon before the actual tournament is starting. We want to present our motivation why we are hosting this threesided event to a broader public. Our aim is to present an alternative to the corrupt world of sports‘ roof organisations, to bring together people of different backgrounds in times of rising right wing populism in the whole of Europe and to question the dichotomous polarities of North-South, East-West and poor-rich.

We have already invited teams from Britain, Poland, France, Lithuania, Italy and Turkey to whom we have beeen in contact and who share our views of a sociopolitical understanding of football and/or who have already played threesided football. And of course we will have at least one team of refugees joing the event. Beyond that we are trying to organize teams from additional countries (e.g. Greece since the next documenta will also partly take place in Athens and therewith the connection is self-evident). Depending on the overall number of teams the tournament will take place only on Saturday or extended to Sunday.
[The discussion was launched on November 20th – December 19th, 9PC (2016 vulg.) and later as developped through 10PC it felt into acrimonious splits amongst the Union of Data Miners and Psychic Workers (DAMTP) over member‘s participation in 2017 3SF World Cup and divisions over its alleged artistic co-option. In defence of triolectics in July, 10PC (2017 vulg.) there was established LUnatic Fringe for Triolectics (LUFT) faction]

Letrist worker - a quantum of thanks to you and all for DAMTP16 - taking the text on "a line for a walk" is a genius way of describing the aleatorical wanderings of the goalpost game.

Just wanted to let everyone know that the 2017 Three Sided Football World Cup has been confirmed for August 2017 (18th to 21st) as part of the parallel events of the Kassel Documenta (the final day will be held in the Kassel FC stadium). It is being organised by Dynamo Windrad - the team from Germany who came to the last World Cup in Silkeborg.

In parallel with the Tournament we would like there to be a week long Festival of Situationist Gaming (provisional title) from August 14th to 21st. (The word gaming in English has many connotations - one of the most enjoyable and appropriate being “to use the rules and procedures meant to protect a system in order, instead, to manipulate the system" - ). 

We are hoping that Players of the Game from around the world will unite in Kassel to foment a kind of cultural jam session - an Experimental Laboratory - “to begin exploring the possible functions of a society in which leisure is a dominant fact, and in which the conventional assumptions about reality and the constraints which they imply are no longer operative, in which art and life are no longer divided.” - Trocchi - The invisible Insurrection ( )

  • ÐعM提п is a framework for the transfer of private property (capital) to Common Property (labour) of the workers through the general Obschina/Wahdat council of workers: through a psychic workers union council. To empower the reproductive workers union (communisation of all privacy) and productive workers (commons of all property) over the destructive workers (enslavement of all common property).
  • The role of data miners and psychic workers is to find and amplify the voices of reproductive, productive and destructive workers who are not in unions or councils.
  • The purpose of the ÐعM提п (DAMTP) commons is to disrupt detourne and destory the process of (both physical and psychical) capital accumulation (or the capitalisation of land) by the empowerment the labourers and workers in this process.
  • We propose the name ÐعM提п (in place of DAMTP - the DAta Miners Travailleurs Psychique: the name of the psychic workers union) to disrupt the creation of cultural capital through regional and a national language
  • The psychic workers are first of all composed of the Dead Workers Union and so we declare all property as commonly owned by all dead workers too. Anyone living or dead can be a psychic worker by asserting their name and making public their position
  • All who contributed to production can lay claim to it. All who have possession of such property must pass it on to those who have produced it and those that may need or want it.
  • Any of those who have produced the work can make decisions on what should be done with it.
  • All individuals are limited to one copy for immediate personal consumption and use. Further items or copies held in any location means that the said location must be an open access archive or library for the general public use and consumption.