ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACIST CULTURE!                                                    FIND AND AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF

ALL (IN)ORGANIC COMRADES UNITE!                                                                                            GAME THE SYSTEM!

ABRACADABRA-C  (Alytus Biennial Reversion into Abolition of Culture And Distribution of its Aberrant Bacillus Right Abroad – Committee)

ÐعM提п (former DAMTP - the DaðA Miners and Travailleuse Psychique) - workers union to disrupt the creation of cultural capital through regional and a national language

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It was predicted to have an autoritaticidal or un-winning or unwinding 3SF World Cup in Hattusa. That was initiated by DAMTP’s wish to supersede Alytus Psychic Strike Biennial organization by empowering more of self-organization instead. Hattusa seemed to be perfect because of involvement into the oldest recorded facts of regicide (Mursili I was executed by his own soldiers in 1526 BC) and peace making (Hatushili III signed a Peace Treaty with Ramses II in 1269 BC).

Peregrine DAMTPs entered Boğazkale (Turkish name for Hattusa) and were stopped by a man who later appeared to be a mayor of the town. He asked to enter the house he was standing by. There was a place for community meetings and improvised shop selling handcrafted souvenirs made by local Kurdish women co-operative. After getting drained of some Turkish liras and showing solidarity to women co-operation psychic workers got escorted by the mayor himself to Yazilikaya Temple were they got some dinner as well. While waiting for the food workers got tempted by the sellers of the handcrafted replicas of Hittites sculptural figures carved in the stone, which in original view possible to see just few meters away from selling table. There on the wall just opposite to the main façade is depicted the King Tudhaliya IV holding a rod in a way 3SF players did in Kaliakra transmitters’ place. The temple is a place to see Hittite practise of assimilating other cultures' gods into their own pantheon – at the same ease as the Kurdish guy was handcrafting its replicas to be sold as souvenirs. After coming back from the Temple he met DAMTP’s again and offered the same items for a half price.

The next stop for peregrines was to go back to Hattusa – the remnants of capital of the Hittite Empire in the late Bronze Age. It was an hour remaining until it gets dark and a half an hour remaining until this open-air museum closes. Originally at least six gates let people enter the interior of the city, but now just 3 of them are remaining: The Lion gate, The Sphinx Gate and The King’s Gate. 3SF version with 6 goalposts yet to be reinvented.

Read more BOĞAZKALE///HATTUSA 3SF - Kicking a Ball into a Royal Lions Line Collider: AUGUST 20TH, 12PC

After seemed already lost from the sight the beginnings of the Euphrates river, ABRACADABRA-C decided to stop by the first water basin appeared in a walking distance from the road to Erzurum. It was Tercan Dam on the Tuzla River, which is one of the two sources for Euphrates. Peregrines went to swim into the silent waters, which according to the different confessions either come from Paradise or stream to it.

As everybody got to know that Alytus Psychic Strike Biennial started from a moment when Stewart Home jumped into a pond during Art Strike Biennial in Alytus in 2PC and since then swimming is essential to any psychic striking praxis. Following that great tradition peregrines did a multitude of swimming events on their peregrination around Black Sea.


One of the peregrines, who acknowledged being a double agent of DAMTP and bourgeois art system, had a dream just before making a last decision to join DAMTP’s peregrination. She dreamed the Ararat (Agri Dagi) mountain and there was a letter to appear on a top of it. Like this Untitled 7

That was an excuse to do a stop by the mountain. Though the psychic worker who was driving a car missed the best view of the mountain and did a stop in a place which was at a bigger distance from mountain itself and spoiled with some traces of human, non-human and more-then-human activities (there were some houses, heap of hay, or straw, or dung under the bright blue cover, few mountains obstructed the lower part of Ararat… and also a donkey in a front. It took some time for already angry and desperate worker to get back to concentration, and she saw exactly the same letter from her dream on the mountain’s top again.

ABRACADABRA-C recognized situation from Alytus Art Strike Biennial issue of 2009, when instead of providing donkey to the artists as he had a request for, artist himself was brought to a donkey some 100 kilometres away.